Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tameka "Tiny" Cottle Tiny Is Pregnant Again With T.I.'s Baby+More Legal Drama T.i. Denied Bail

Tiny, who was arrested on marijuana and Ecstasy possession on Saturday is allegedy pregnant again with T.I.'s baby. The sex of the baby is unknown. The baby would be the couple's second child together. Tiny delivered a stillborn baby girl this past March and the couple were determined to have another baby.

Meanwhile, T.I., real name Clifford Harris, was denied bond in a federal magistrate court today. In attendance at the proceedings were Tiny, two of T.I.'s other baby mamas and all of T.I.'s children except for King who remained at home.
Tiny , took King to visit his father in jail yesterday and according to sources the first thing T.I.P. did was apologize to Tiny. Now as for the real drama the poor baby King is still traumatized from the raid which took place at T.I.'s home in College Park on Saturday. ATF agents simultaneously broke down the front door while smashing out windows in the back of the house and tossing stun grenades into the house. King, 3, was in a downstairs room playing at the time of the raid. The other children had just left the home to go to acting class when allegedyT.I.'s 15-year-old nephew ran out the back door and was tackled and stomped by ATF agents. While agents found T.I.'s gun collection in his bedroom safe, no drugs were found in the home.
I feel for the children they are innocent parties in all of this drama. More updates to follow.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another baby who will grow up with a daddy in jail.